Monday, October 24, 2011

How do I adjust to different shifts?

I have worked first shift my whole life. I now work

Monday-Friday 8-4pm and Saturdays from 7-3pm. I have Sundays off. In about two months I will be changing jobs and becoming an LNA. I will probably be working bailor shift on the weekends (2- 12 hour shifts) from 7pm-7am, and two 2nd shifts from 3-11pm during the week. I have to work the night shift because I have no choice with the schedule for my children. By 11:00pm I am exhausted. Any ideas on how I can help my body adjust to the completely different time change for the weekend shift? I know it will take a while but any ideas to help would be greatly appreciated!How do I adjust to different shifts?When I graduated from nursing school, I had 4 children so I chose 11-7 shift so I could be home when they went off to school and be there when they went to bed. I did this for 12 yrs. Once they left home or were able to take care of themselves, I switched to 3-11. I'm not a morning person. It was difficult. On my days off, I forced myself to stay awake until night time so I could get on track. It was hard, but it worked. Many, many times an inconsiderate nurse would call in at 10;30 pm to say she couldn't make it and I was forced to do a double when I was on the 3-11 shift. Boy, that was a killer. You have to keep yourself busy for your days off by walking with your children, taking them to the park, and you will find that you get a second wind and you're not tired at that time. When it's time to go back to your regular schedule of 3-11 and the 12 hr shifts, again, you have to forcre yourself to take a nap during the day. If you could have someone watch your children even for a couple of hours, it's a big help. Ask you husband to help you out or a family member. I know what you're going through, believe me. It seems you never get use to these time changes but you are obviously a very dedicated person to continue this. I'm not sure what an LNA is, Is it the same as an LPN or CNA? Some states have different titles for nurses or aides. It's people like you that make a great difference in dedication and I can say from experience, I am proud of you for working so hard. God bless you. Try doing what I suggested, I hope it works for you and drink a lot of coffee.lolHow do I adjust to different shifts?Hi, I just want you to know, even though we don't know each other, you will always have my highest regards. Talk to your bf, tell him how you feel, he may not even know. Anytime you want to talk, mail me. OK?


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How do I adjust to different shifts?always make sure to get as much sleep as you possibly can......thats the least you can do to accomodate your body to the whacky schedulingHow do I adjust to different shifts?talk to your Dr. there is a pill people take for swing shift, it helps your body adjust. I forget what its called i know it begins with a p

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