Would like details on how to adjust this on my 454 cheverolet motor.How do you adjust timing on a 454 chevrolet?You need a timing light.
Attach the timing light to the battery and number 1 plug wire.
Under the hood will be the timing setting value on an information sticker specifc to your engine.
Lets say it is 10 degrees BTDC (Before Top Dead Centre).
On your harmonic balancer you will find notches, one indicating ) degrees AKA Top Dead Centre. The harmonic balancer is the main 'pulley' attached to the crankshaft on the front of the engine.
Mark 0 degrees with white chalk, paint, nail polish or? Now find 10 BTDC and mark it as well. Find the pointer or indicator on the engine side of the harmonic balancer.
Start the engine and fire the timing light at the pointer. You should see the white marks you made as solid, unmoving marks. If the mark you made at 10 BTDC lines up with the pointer you are done.
If it does not you need to loosen the single bolt at the base of your distributor (usually a 1/2 inch head). Restart the engine. Aim the timing light at the pointer again. Now with the engine and timing light running gently move the distributor until the line you made lines up with the pointer. Stop. Turn off the engine. Tighten the bolt without moving the distributor.
Start the engine and double check the timing. Adjust as required.
If you mean how to initially time the engine if you have had the distributor out or after a rebuild:
Alight the previously discussed pointer to 0 degrees. Remove the number 1 spark plug. Insert a scredriver. If the piston is at the top reinstall the spark plug. If it is at the bottom turn the engine over one revolution until the piston is at the top and the pointer indicates 0 degrees.
Remove the distributor cap. Either be certain the rotor is pointing to the #1 plug wire or, if the disty is out align the rotor with the #1 spark plug wire and install the disributor into the engine. Tighten the distributor down.
Now use the timing light to set the timing as described above.
If you have the 7.4 built after the mid '90's timing cannot be adjusted.
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