Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How do I adjust to a different time zone?

i just got back from china on sunday, and this time it seems i'm having a hard time adjusting to US time. i only stayed a month in china. i'm having problems sleeping at night. china's time is 13 hours ahead of us. i usually try to go to sleep at night but wake up at 2 in the morning, and just stay awake for the next 4 hours, and then i'm tired throughout the day. what are ways to adjust to the time here?How do I adjust to a different time zone?When I travel overseas I usually do a %26quot;reboot%26quot; on the trip home and stay up as long as physically possible until it is time for my planned bedtime.

Staying up 24-36 hours until your next bedtime should do the trick, guaranteed to sleep through, just make sure you get up after 8 hours, should reset your internal clock.

Of course you should also follow the typical advice given for cases of insomnia such as avoiding caffeine, nicotine, alcohol until you get to back to your schedule.How do I adjust to a different time zone?For me, the best way is to just get up when the sun comes up, go to sleep when the sun goes down, and eat, work, read, etc., accordingly.

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